welcome to my blog!
Hello and welcome to my blog of Oddities, Wonders, and Gorgeous Randomness. I have always wanted to build a blog of my own design, away from the prepackaged designs of blogging site media services, but what prevented me from this will was the lack of experience and knowledge of the programming languages ​​required for such work, and to this moment I still do not know what am doing -coding is nonsense igs. Hopefully, days will fix this nonsense and change this strange design with something better than it. In any case, I should have introduced myself to the psychic instead of all the chatter about the sites and their coding, so..... Who am I?. - Dear reader - This is a question on a philosophical level that a poor servant cannot handle, but - quickly and in simple words - my name is Sunbul, a university student (?) and a person with different interests. I do not know what to write after this because this is what I can tell about myself in... Limits of words that are understandable and not scattered, and without the use of quotations, pictures, etc., etc. Should I continue writing or should I stop here? -A confusing choice- In any case, whether I decide to continue or not, I hope that you will like my scattered thoughts here, dear reader.
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